Metal Bands from Obscure Countries Worth Checking Out

It’s a Musical Scavenger Hunt!

Jason Kolenda
5 min readMar 14, 2021
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As a huge music nerd, I keep track of many aspects of the albums and artists I listen to. One of those aspects is their country of origin. In a way, it combines two of my greatest passions — traveling and music. A long time ago, I set a goal for myself to own albums from 50 different countries. One of my “rules” is that I would never buy something just to have a new country — I must actually enjoy it. On December 19, 2020, I finally reached that goal. I’m going to discuss some of the metal bands from more obscure countries. Why just metal bands? Because most of them happen to be metal bands anyway. Metal knows no boundaries of course. I should mention that the vast majority of these bands I am just beginning to check out and I might only have one album so far.

Violet Cold (Azerbaijan)

Most people have probably never heard of the country of Azerbaijan, let alone point it out on a map. So, the idea of a good metal band from there is intriguing, right? This one-man band began in 2013 and already has an impressive catalog. I discovered him through his Anomie album which has an atmospheric black metal or shoegaze type sound. There are also what sounds like middle eastern influences, due to his location. Most of his albums lean toward that style of metal. He…

